Mysterious Health Problems

What are mysterious health problems?

Note: Following information we're providing is mostly from our experience.

Some times we face different kinds of health problems. Even though we sent to several hospitals the doctors wouldn't be able to find the proper cause and solutions for those problems. The problems wouldn't be identified in hospital instruments. The hospital's will send an 'OK report'. Still the patient suffers the problems. They'll give medicines, but still medicines wouldn't work.


Physical Symptoms:

  • Pain in the legs
  • Pain in left hands
  • Head ache
  • Pain from head to spinal chord
  • Some times back pain
  • Pain in the head left side.
  • Joint pains after some time.
Mental Problems
  • Low feeling of hunger, if got hungry eat more than required
  • Lonely thinking
  • Talking to himself
  • Feeling that something is following, actually we see nothing is following, but really something will following
  • Change in timings of sleep
  • Suicidal tendency
  • Beating some people
  • Talking to unvisible persons
  • Exceptional increase in strength of a person

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