Demonic possession - Jinn Possession Effects

What is jinn possession / demonic possession?

Jinn Possession - demon possession - ghosts
Note: Following information we're providing is mostly from our experience.
A Jinn has a capability to occupy a part of body or some parts of body and it is able to control the nervous system of human beings. When it has occupied a part of human body it is called as jinn possession or demonic possession. Some times too many jinns occupy a single human being.

Main Symptoms:

There are no particular symptoms for jinn possession. There are more than 25 different sets of symptoms in the case of jinn possession. Symptoms vary with each kind of jinn.
Symptoms will be like:

  • Lack of sleep during nights
  • Sleepy during daytime.
  • Feeling that someone is following you, someone is observing you.

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